Camden History Review 19

Camden History Review 19


25 years on: the Jubilee of the Camden History Society
Where was the Great Hollow Elm of Hampstead?
Percy Dearmer, Vicar of St Mary’s, Primrose Hill
The Hampstead by-pass that never was
The Gees of Fenton House
Matthew Forster of Belsize
Gambling in wartime: William Geere (1589/60-1652)
John Keats, ‘mostly at Hampstead, and about nothing’
Claire Clairmont’s Camden connections
The representation of Labour in local government: St Pancras, 1894-1922
‘The Alhambra of Camden Town’: the rise and fall of Sickert’s dear old Bedford
Recollections of Euston and St Pancras [stations]


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